Sunday, September 20, 2020

American Royals


Author: Kathrine McGee

Publisher: Random House

Year: 2019

Instead of becoming President of the United States when America won the Revolutionary War, George Washington became the king. And his family still rules America. 

This is a clever and sweet young adult alternative history romance. It centers around Princess Beatrice, first in line for the throne, and her younger siblings, twins Samantha and Jefferson. 

Beatrice’s parents urge her to start looking for a suitable husband. This is a delicate matter because Beatrice I’ll be the first woman to wear the crown and she’s in love with Connor, her body guard. Complicating matters even more, Samantha has feelings for the guy Beatrice chose to marry and Jefferson is falling for his twins BFF. 

This is fun romance read and I really enjoyed the American monarchy twist! If you’re looking for a break from heavy reality and want a dose of light romance and royalty, this is for you! The sequel recently published and I’m looking forward to picking that up sometime. 

What your favorite escapist read? 

#bookstagram #librarybook #bookworm #booknerd #youngadultbooks #alternativehistory #romancebooks #americanroyals #katherinemcgee #randomhouse 

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